Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pickleball Tip of Week #39

Eclipse An Untold Secret of Untold Secrets: Pickleball Tournament of Champions Feat. Puppet Master
Puppet Master Painting on his 20 x 44 ft canvas. A game of intelligence, power, control, control, control, and possibilities. I do not own the music you can pick up Collapse on itunes along with…
Added on 4/03/14

For those of you that may not be on Timothy Nelsons email list. He has not come out with anything lately. But he came out with this two days ago. YOU NEED to watch this. I have been fortunate to have had Timothy in our home for about 30 days over the last three years. He comes again in three days and will be with us for almost two weeks this time. I have had the huge advantage of having sat thru 50 hours of watching Tim give private lessons to our residents.
I often talk at my class that i teach, that what i teach is not stuff that i came up with..... 95% of what i teach is education i received from watching and learning from Timothy.

In my opinion Timothy Nelson is the best player in the world. Not only because of the things he can do with his paddle and ball, but the extreme intelligence he posses and the strategies that he must employ with his partner because NO ONE wants to hit him the ball if they want to win.
I have played many hours against Tim. When you play against him , you HAVE to turn off your subconscious mind because he intentionally tells you things with his body and paddle position to make you think he is about to do one thing, and then he does the exact opposite. You have to just be ready for ANYTHING, NOT what he is trying to tell you.

I have heard Timothy say that the only difference between a 4.5 player and a 5.0 player is the way they THINK. There is SO much brain power used at the highest level.  We are very fortunate to be having Timothy and the rest of the west coast top players visiting us next week. The best thing that you will learn when you watch these top players is that WHAT IS POSSIBLE. Once your mind sees certain shots, you start to BELIEVE that you can do them. Until you see others do certain things it is very hard to think that you can do them. You will see Erne shots, Arizona pops, many around the post shots, shots that are dropped softly into the kitchen when an opponent lobs over their head, etc. I love to use the example of the back flip on a motorcycle. It was 70 years before someone was able to do a single  back flip successfully. Now riders are doing double back flips, just because the first person did it and now the brain believes i can too.
Here is the video......
Watch it . It will put you into a new frame of mind.
jeff shank

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